Gundam Scientists

  Doctor J
Doctor J is the creator of the Wing Gundam, and the caretaker and trainer of Heero Yuy.
He is noted for his goggled eyes and half-cyborg body (E.g.: his robotic arm).
He is the most active of the 5 Scientists within the series.

Associated Links
Heero Yuy/Wing
  Professor G
Professor G is the creator of the Gundam Deathscythe, and later (with the help of the other scientists) he made the Gundam Deathscythe Hell. He is responsible for the training of Duo and is also a member of the Sweeper group.
He is noted by his large mushroom like hair style and long pointy nose.
He is an expert in stealth technology.

Associated Links
Duo Maxwell/Deathscythe
  Doktor S
Doktor S is the creator of the Gundam Heavyarms. He assigned Trowa as the pilot of the Gundam Heavyarms.
He is noted by a wire nose thingy that he wears and spiked gray hair.
He is an expert in ammunitions and explosives.

Associated Links
Trowa Barton/Heavyarms
  Instructor H
Instructor H is the creator of the Gundam Sandrock. He was a guest of the Winner Family, and taught Quatre how to pilot Sandrock.
Using the Winner family's wealth, he made the Gundam Sandrock, but also left the blue prints of Wing Zero in the Winner family's computers.
He is noted by his neat mustache.

Associated Links
Quatre Winner/Sandrock
  Master O
Master O is the creator of the Shenlong Gundam, and later (with the help of the other scientists) he made the Gundam Altron. He was the trainer of Wufei in both martial arts and as a Gundam pilot. Like Wufei Master O is an expert in many forms of martial arts.
He is tall, strongly built and with a bald head.

Associated Links
Chang Wufei/Shenlong
Howard is the creator of the Tallgeese mobile suit with the help of the five Gundam Scientists prior to the manufacture of the Gundams. Although Tallgeese is not a Gundam, it was created by the Gundam Scientists and Howard.
This is why I included Howard on this page.
He is most noted for by his Hawaiian shirts and wraparound shades.

Associated Links
Zechs Merquise/Tallgeese

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