JapaneseAnimeUK Updates

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Last Updated: 01-02-04
Sorry for the lack of updates. We have been experiencing technical difficulties
with our network and have been unable to make any updates.
Feb 1st 2004
We changed the font throughout the website and remade the homepage borders.
Jan 25th 2004
We redesigned the homepage and changed the links at the bottom of all the pages.
Jan 7th 2004
This website went online today.

Gohan's Dragonball Z Universe
Last Updated: 16-05-04
Aug 14th 2005
I have added 2 more movie . and also added a few more pictures to my video game covers page.
Oct 24th 2004
Started work on Dragonball Z episode guide. I am working on the first saga for now, It will take a while to get the information on these pages so be patient. I have added info and screenshots for the first 10 episodes.
May 16th 2004
I added a Saiyan stages page and a race page. I also started Capsule Corp. info, but it has no link yet.
APR 11th 2004
I have added pictures to the Name Meanings page.
Mar 7th 2004
I have made a few modifications to some of the pages, DbZ planets, Voice actors, Episode guide, and Did you realize...
Feb 15th 2004
I added the bio pages for Androids 16 - 20 and Cell.
Jan 25th 2004
I added a Dragonball GT page with pictures of the characters and a brief description.

Lita Kino's Sailor Moon Universe
Last Updated: 14-03-04
Mar 14th 2004
I have added link pictures to the main Enemies page.
Feb 22nd 2004
I have added a link to all the Voice Actors pages. I have also added links on the main Episode Guide page to descriptions on the five seasons (although the last two don't have much information on them).
Jan 11th 2004
I have changed the layout of the Episode Guides and have added the Enemies page with links to most of the Negaverse characters.

Duo Maxwell's Gundam Wing Universe
Last Updated: 11-04-04
APR 11th 2004
I have added a link to the Lyrics page which has both the Japanese and English Lyrics for the five main Gundam Wing songs.
Mar 7th 2004
I have added links to the profile pages for both the Gundam Scientists and the Maganac Corps. I have also added links to Dorothy Catalonia's profile page.
Feb 15th 2004
I have added links to most of the Enemies as well as a few of the Allies. I have also added a link to information on the Zero System.

Jim Hawking's Outlaw Star Universe
Last Updated: 14-03-04
May 23rd 2004
I reorganized the files of this site, and added more voice actors. I also started a Pirates page but did not add a link yet.
Mar 14th 2004
I added pictures to the Outlaws page, and also added temporary pictures to the Anten Seven page.
Feb 22nd 2004
Added a page on the caster gun and also a page listing the characters and a link to their bio page.
Jan 18th 2004
I have added lots of pictures to the bio pages, and have added a link to the Anten Seven.

Tiger's Monster Rancher Universe
Last Updated: 21-03-04
Jan 9th 2005
I have added an image to the everyone page and started a Moo page.
Mar 21st 2004
I added a Phoenix page with the only pictures I could find, sorry about the quality. I also made a mystery disk page, and if you have flash player you can see a spinning disk animation I made.
Feb 29th 2004
Not a lot of additions, I have remade the DVD, and Video games pages. I have also redesigned the lyrics page and episode guide. I have also started a Phoenix page and a mystery disk page. Unfortunately I have not added the link yet.
Jan 11th 2004
I have remade the Bio pages, and have added pictures to most of them.

Ryoko Mitsurugi's Real Bout High School Universe
Last Updated: 21-03-04
Mar 21st 2004
I added most of the link pictures to the Students and Other Characters pages.
Feb 29th 2004
I have added links to the Special Techniques page and the Everyone page (which has a list of all characters in alphabetical order.)
Jan 18th 2004
I have added a link to the Lyrics page and added pictures to most of the Profiles pages.

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