Sailor Star Fighter's Profile

Transformation Pen

Seiya Kou

Sailor Star Fighter

U.S. Name: Seiya Kou
Jap Name: Kou Seiya
U.S. Names Considered:
Name Pronunciation: Koh Say-yah 1st Appeared:
Episode - (US)
Episode 173 (Jap)
Meaning: Star Field Light/Light of the Starry Sky
Forms: Seiya Kou, Sailor Star Fighter
Birthdate: July 30, 1979
Age (Start/Finish): 16
Astrological Sign: Leo
Birth Stone:
Height: 5'5"/165cm
Weight: 120lbs/55kg
Eye Colour: blue
Hair Colour: short black hair with tapered ponytail
Blood Type: A Writing Hand:
Likes: Serena, Kakyuu Princess
Father: n/a Mother: n/a
Brothers: n/a Sisters: n/a
Sons: n/a Daughters: n/a
Others: n/a
1: - Fighter Star Power, Make-Up (Sailor Star Fighter)
1: - none
1: - Star Serious Laser
School: Juuban High School
Favourite Subject: Physical Education
Worst Subject: Literature
Hobbies: football, vocalist for the Three Lights, member of the American Football Club
Dislikes: Girls
Favourite Food: Hamburgers
Least Favourite Food:
Favourite Colour: Red Favourite Animal:
Favourite Gemstone: Strong Points: Keyboard, writing lyrics, composing music
Dream: Symbol:

  Birthday and Appearance
  Powers, Attacks and Items
  School, Likes/Dislikes, etc.

Extra Information
Seiya is the stereotypical jock type male of the Starlight's with a twist- he also has many feminine qualities which is to be expected as he does happen to turn into a female Starlight after transformation. Just like Darien used to call Serena Meatball head, Seiya calls her "Odango Atama" (literally means Dumpling Head), which is the equivalent of meatball head. In the Three Lights Seiya is the singer of the band and actively pursues Serena in Darien's absence. Lita Kino's Sailor Moon Universe
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