Episode 1 Summary

Sailor Moon
English Episode 1: A Moon Star is Born
Original Japanese Episode 1: Nakimushi Usagi No Karei Naru Henshin!
Translation: The Crybaby Usagi's Splendid Transformation

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The premier episode of the television series introduces a thirteen-year-old student named Serena, who attends Crossroads Junior High School. Serena's life changes forever when she meets Luna the talking cat, and discovers she can transform into the sailor-suited Champion of Justice, Sailor Moon.
Sailor Moon's first duty involves rescuing her friend, Molly, from an attack by an evil yoma from the Negaverse. Although she is initially unsure of her abilities, Serena rises to the challenge with the help of Luna and a mysterious stranger known as Tuxedo Mask.
Important Notes:
First Appearances: Serena Tsukino, Serena's Family, Luna, Ms. Patricia Haruna, Molly Baker, Melvin Umino, Queen Beryl, Jedite, Darien Shields, Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask.
Moon Prism Power (transformation) and Moon Tiara Magic (attack) are first used by Sailor Moon.

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