Monster Rancher Episode Guide

Season One

1 - In the beginning...
2 - I'm Mocchi
3 - Guardian of the disks
4 - Eternal worm
5 - Tiger of the wind
6 - Hare's trick
7 - The courageous seven
8 - After the rain
9 - The iron bird

10 - The ruins secret
11 - Pixie's defeat
12 - Monol's secret
13 - Moo revealed
14 - Holly's rescue
15 - A new departure
16 - Great battle at sea
17 - Underground adventure
18 - Our friends Hengar forever

19 - Suezo's secret weapon
20 - My name is Pixie
21 - Mocchi's cannon explodes
(The Mocchi cannon)
22 - Run Tiger, run
23 - Don't give up ducken!
24 - Undine's lake
25 - Warriors of the ruins
26 - Melcarba

Season Two

27 - Tiger's battle with destiny
28 - Colour Pandora, guardian of the forest
29 - Farewell my friend
30 - Baby bossy
31 - Amusement park ruins
32 - Holly's smile in a million golds
33 - Battle in the meadow
34 - The town that disappeared

35 - Battle with the Big Bad Four
36 - Eve's night
37 - Holly's happy birthday
38 - Evil General Durahan's challenge
39 - Good-bye Baku
40 - Secret of the pendant stone
41 - Tiger's last day
42 - The warriors from outer space

43 - The sand assassin
44 - A scramble for the pendant stone
45 - Durahan dies at daybreak
46 - Of war and hate
47 - Tears
48 - Blue skies

Season Three

49 - Return
50 - Mocchi's Big Aim
51 - Fight For Tiger
52 - The Mango Farm
53 - Shady Brothers
54 - Tiger's Big Hour
55 - Hare's Past
56 - Evil Meeting In The Deep
57 - Suezo's Fateful Day

58 - Wild Sandra
59 - Meet Again With Alan
60 - Golem Is Tricked
61 - The Tombstone Brothers
62 - The Ghost Ship
63 - The World-Cup
64 - Adventure At Night
65 - The Attempt Counts

66 - Meet Again With Tiger's Brother
67 - Secret Recipe
68 - Fight Against Granity
69 - Sleep Well
70 - The Monster-Cup Begins
71 - Hour Of The Truth
72 - Surprise Awakening
73 - The Power Of The Phoenix

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